
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So you call yourself a film maker?

I began shooting my very first film yesterday. I prepared my script, shooting sequence, and story board. I arrived early to get actors ready and set-up. And as I went to get the camera for my first scene, I realized I forgot the TAPE! Wow!

I had buffer time because the actors were still preparing. I ran over to the production studio on campus to ask for a not in. So I ran to my car... I just knew in my heart I had a mini DV tape in my luck. At that point I could have just ran to the CVS, but I left my purse upstairs...

So I ran back upstairs to get my purse to a ranting AD (whom of course stopped talking when I got there), I ignored him and explained to them the issue. We are now 30 minutes into the filming schedule but we haven't film one thing. I am frazzled, sweating, and frustrated at myself.  I ran to CVS got the expensive little tapes, drove back to set, and began filming.

What is the lesson?

Preparation is everything. I "thought" I had everything set but I didn't. I wont beat up on myself too much as I know I will make mistakes...and that's Ok. It's what we do after the mistake that determines our character!

I am a novice film maker. Yes.I.AM. lol! All in all I am  proud of myself and my creative writing ability. I personally enjoy the writing and creative aspects of the process the most.

We shoot again Thursday. I have a crew of two and a possible. Two actors. Two lights. And tapes in my car, purse, and tote.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Proper Noun...

       My name is BRITTANY...{sigh} is in the top 5 most popular names EVER! It is common. It is cute (young sounding). It is COMMON! If someone walks into a room and shouts "Brittany" many will most likely raise their heads in response (Don't believe me? Try it, lol) I was eventually nicknamed "Beey" (pronounced "Bee") which has stuck with me for years. Beey suits me better, there is mystery in it. And it's a great convo. starter explaining why everyone calls me Beey. I'm rambling...

My utter disdain for my proper name (that rhymes, ha!) prompted me to ask my mother WHY she chose my name; Here is her response:
" I think the name Brittany is beautiful and sweet. It sounds youthful and free spirited...just like you. It's only a proper noun!"
*Proper Noun: The Formal name of a unique entity, such as an individual, title, event, or place, which is often capitalized in English usage. But it does not describe the person! 

We are all guilty of searching the meaning of our names as if it will boost or deflate our self-esteem (If it does you probably need more help than this blog can offer). Some of us whom have common names such as Brittany, Ashley, and Emily may have been unjustly targeted by those who really take the "meaning" of their name as a factual interpretation of who they are. But, we who are caught up on our first grade vocabulary know that a name is only a formal title NOT a means of character descriptions...those are called adjectives! 

That is all for now! Until next was your name again?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Up And At 'Ems!

       Gotta love that title! lol Hope your morning is going great! I've been up since about 6 a.m. My schedule is packed! The station is super quiet this morning which is a big change compared to how it is during the week. I have soooo many ideas for this blog and I can't wait for all of it to materialize.
       I hope I get some form of a break today so that I can hit that Old Navy sale. What yall thought I was playing huh? lol  Anyway Happy  pre-4th!
~XOXO Brittany Dionne`

Friday, July 2, 2010

SALE! Hurry Up girl!

Old Navy is at it again! $1 Flip Flops!

But you have to have the
Go to Old Navy's facebook page and print the coupon or just get the one I have so graciously put here!  It's only good for ONE DAY [7/3] So I suggest you get to it! See you in- line!
~XOXO Brittany Dionne`

*Back For The First Time

 Welcome to Fuschia Loft! I finally have broken down and started a blog! YAY
(This is oddly waaayyyy too exciting for me. ;-})
It will ALL hang out here honey so please be forewarned! So put on something pink and meet me here whenever! 
~XOXO~ Brittany Dionne`