
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Proper Noun...

       My name is BRITTANY...{sigh} is in the top 5 most popular names EVER! It is common. It is cute (young sounding). It is COMMON! If someone walks into a room and shouts "Brittany" many will most likely raise their heads in response (Don't believe me? Try it, lol) I was eventually nicknamed "Beey" (pronounced "Bee") which has stuck with me for years. Beey suits me better, there is mystery in it. And it's a great convo. starter explaining why everyone calls me Beey. I'm rambling...

My utter disdain for my proper name (that rhymes, ha!) prompted me to ask my mother WHY she chose my name; Here is her response:
" I think the name Brittany is beautiful and sweet. It sounds youthful and free spirited...just like you. It's only a proper noun!"
*Proper Noun: The Formal name of a unique entity, such as an individual, title, event, or place, which is often capitalized in English usage. But it does not describe the person! 

We are all guilty of searching the meaning of our names as if it will boost or deflate our self-esteem (If it does you probably need more help than this blog can offer). Some of us whom have common names such as Brittany, Ashley, and Emily may have been unjustly targeted by those who really take the "meaning" of their name as a factual interpretation of who they are. But, we who are caught up on our first grade vocabulary know that a name is only a formal title NOT a means of character descriptions...those are called adjectives! 

That is all for now! Until next was your name again?