
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So you call yourself a film maker?

I began shooting my very first film yesterday. I prepared my script, shooting sequence, and story board. I arrived early to get actors ready and set-up. And as I went to get the camera for my first scene, I realized I forgot the TAPE! Wow!

I had buffer time because the actors were still preparing. I ran over to the production studio on campus to ask for a not in. So I ran to my car... I just knew in my heart I had a mini DV tape in my luck. At that point I could have just ran to the CVS, but I left my purse upstairs...

So I ran back upstairs to get my purse to a ranting AD (whom of course stopped talking when I got there), I ignored him and explained to them the issue. We are now 30 minutes into the filming schedule but we haven't film one thing. I am frazzled, sweating, and frustrated at myself.  I ran to CVS got the expensive little tapes, drove back to set, and began filming.

What is the lesson?

Preparation is everything. I "thought" I had everything set but I didn't. I wont beat up on myself too much as I know I will make mistakes...and that's Ok. It's what we do after the mistake that determines our character!

I am a novice film maker. Yes.I.AM. lol! All in all I am  proud of myself and my creative writing ability. I personally enjoy the writing and creative aspects of the process the most.

We shoot again Thursday. I have a crew of two and a possible. Two actors. Two lights. And tapes in my car, purse, and tote.